This was a project I did with Hendricks County and William Randall ad agency. I worked with a food stylist and an art director from the ad agency who requested that she be able to see the images as I take them. I used the Eye-fi Mobi Pro to make that happen. I love working with ad agencies and creative directions because they usually communicate really well with their expectations.
The art director had a shot list but wanted it to feel editorial and spontaneous than set up so we used natural light with a bounce card on the food. They also wanted to get the food in the context of the diner. The idea is that you get this kind of food you have to come here. I used a wide angle macro to help get us there.
After the food shots we moved to the family having fun, eating off of each others plates and getting an idea of dinner at the diner. Because they wanted that spontaneous feel with the shallow background I used a lot of natural light and supplemented with two 360ws lights pointed at the ceiling to fill in shadows and keep the colors bright and saturated. Backlighting has a way of reducing color and contrast.
We moved around quite a bit to get some different looks like a couple out on a date.
And a couple more of a whole family having fun.
For the outdoor seating shot I used 3 lights to light the people while keeping my background nice and dark.
Showing the outdoor eating area at the diner.
All in all a successful shoot. The ad agency was happy and even in the different challenging lighting conditions we pulled out some amazing pictures.